Development Bodenstrasse

The Bodenstrasse development is the modern continuation of buildings along Oberdorfstrasse. It forms a self-contained unit with large spaces in between and well-designed green areas. Attractive outdoor areas with an urban piazza in this traffic-free area are the hallmarks. The inner values: The floor plan layouts. Central access to an underground parking garage is planned. 1/2

Project number:







2/2 – Along Oberdorfstrasse, the street space is occupied by a continuous ground floor with an office/practice use. Two four-storey buildings are placed on top of this volume. The continuous plinth forms the end of the inner courtyard and protects against noise from Oberdorfstrasse to the southeast.The three high-rise residential buildings are oriented orthogonally. The space between them forms the end of its versatile neighbourhood square. The buildings are well exposed to sunlight and light. The flats benefit from the south-eastern to north-western orientation, and all balconies and terraces receive morning, midday and evening sun.


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